The 8 dimensions of a medical problem can be easily recalled using OLD CARTS (Onset, Location/radiation, Duration, Character, Aggravating factors, Reliving factors, Timing, and Severity).



  • “Do you have pain?”
  • “How long have you had this pain?”
  • “How long does it last?”
  • “How often does it come on?”
  • “Where do you feel the pain?”
  • “Can you show me exactly where it is?”
  • “Does the pain travel anywhere?”
  • “What is the pain like?” “Can you describe it for me?”
  • “Is it sharp, dull, burning, pulsating, cramping, or pressure-like?”
  • “Is it constant, or does it come and go?”
  • “On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the worst, how would you rate your pain?”
  • “What brings the pain on?” “Do you know what causes the pain to start?”
  • “Does anything make the pain better?”
  • “Does anything make it worse?”
  • “Have you had a similar pain before?”